Cardio-Pulmonary Services

Our Cardio-Pulmonary Department has highly trained nurses and respiratory therapists to provide quality outpatient services.

Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the US. Of all heart attacks that occur, 20% are silent. This means that the patient is not even aware they had a heart attack. Women under the age of 50 are twice as likely to die from a heart attack as men in the same age group. The good news is, it is the most PREVENTIBLE cause of death. Prevention is the key. It is never too late to start new health inspired habits.

Our Outpatient Cardio-Pulmonary Department is ready to assist your provider when they order testing to assess your cardiac and respiratory status. These tests include Stress Testing, Echocardiograms, Cardiac Monitoring from 2 to 14 days, Pulmonary Function Testing, Overnight Oximetry, and Sleep Studies. Our Cardiac rehab program is certified by AACVPR and ready to assists you with your recovery from a Cardiovascular event.

At Palo Alto County Health System, we care about helping you attain your best health state.

Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab


Our Outpatient Cardio-Pulmonary Department is ready to assist your provider when they order testing to assess your cardiac and respiratory status.

Services include:

  • Exercise Stress Test
  • Cardiac Monitoring Using Holter for 1-2 Days
  • Cardiac Monitoring Using ZioPatch for 7-14 Days
  • EKG
  • ABI/TBI (Ankle Brachial Index / Toe Brachial Index)
  • Pulmonary Function Test
  • Home Sleep Test
  • Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • Pulmonary Function Testing
  • Overnight Oximetry

Specialized Services

In conjunction with Mercy One Mason City, we offer specialized services including:

Cardiac Rehabilitation

Phase 2 Cardiac Rehab is ordered following hospitalization after a qualifying cardiac event. Acute MI, open heart surgery, valve replacement, stent placement, stable angina, and CHF with an EF < 35% are qualifying events for most insurances. At Cardiac Rehab, you will learn how to manage your risk factors for heart disease. Exercise is progressed at your level while your heart rhythm is monitored. We are proud of maintaining our certification from AACVPR since 2009, attesting to the quality of our program.

Cardiac Rehab meets Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for up to 36 sessions.

Phase 3 Cardiac Rehab

Phase 3 Cardiac Rehab is a private pay exercise program offered after discharge from Phase 2.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Pulmonary Rehabilitation helps individuals with pulmonary disease lessen their symptoms by making healthy lifestyle changes and being more active. It also provides education and support to manage living with a chronic lung disease. Chronic lung disease may include emphysema, chronic bronchitis and asthma.

Pulmonary Rehab meets Tuesdays and Thursdays for 6-12 weeks.


Education is a very important part of Pulmonary Rehab including the following topics:

To ensure success, you must be motivated to participate and to continue to use all that you learn even after discharge from the program.

Maintenance Program

Maintenance Program is a private pay exercise program available after discharge from Pulmonary Rehab.

Sleep Studies

Sleep studies at Palo Alto County Health System are used to diagnose patients with sleep-related disorders.

Cardio-Pulmonary Practitioners

Respiratory Therapy Department

Respiratory Therapy Services

Breathe Easier With the Respiratory Therapy Service PACHS Offers

Certified in ACLS, PALS, BLS

Respiratory Diseases

The Respiratory Department plays a significant role in treating all ranges of patients with respiratory diseases.

Respiratory Care Dept Offers:

  • Ventilator and BIPAP/CPAP management for all patients needing support with sleep apnea or other respiratory diseases
  • MDI education on the most appropriate way to take MDI and the purpose of the patient’s medication. Nebulizer instructions and medication education
  • IN-CHECK dial test to see if the MDI is appropriate for the patient’s inspiratory capacity
  • Smoking cessation information
  • Chest physiotherapy, the encourage vest, to aid in removal of secretions
  • Pulmonary function testing: Pre/post and full PFT
  • Sleep studies and sleep apnea information

Heart & Vascular Screening

Project Life

If you are 40 years old or older, consider having a heart and vascular screening at PACHS.

Cardiac Screen

Allow 45 minutes for screening
Calcium Score Ct - You must be free of cardiac symptoms
Blood Pressure
BMI (Body Mass Index)
Cholesterol & Blood Sugar Check
One-On-One Result Consultation/Education

Additional Option: Bone Density Screen


Vascular Screen

Allow 45 minutes for screening
Carotid Artery Screening
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening
Peripheral Artery Disease Screening

Both Cardiac & Vascular Screens

Allow 1 hour -1 ½ hour for screenings

Checklist to Prepare for Your Life Screen

Here is some helpful information to review before your life screen at PACHS.

  • 1. Age Requirement

    Recommended age 40 and over

  • 2. Fasting

    Fast for 12 hours prior to your screening. (2-hour fast is the minimum required, but some blood values will not be accurate at the 2-hour fast)

    Avoid Caffeine, Sugars & Smoking.

  • 3. Comfortable Clothing

    Wear a comfortable, two-piece outfit. Socks and shoes need to be removed for vascular screening.

  • 4. Medications

    Bring a list of current medications to your appointment.

  • 5. Check in

    Check in at the Rehabilitation Department 15 minutes before your appointment to fill out required paperwork.

  • 6. Payment

    Wellness screenings are not covered by insurance. Patients are responsible for charges the day of the screening.

What is Involved in the Screenings:

Calcium score CT

You will be asked to change to a hospital gown from the waist up. The technologist will be placing three patches on your upper torso. The CT scanner will take a picture of your heart.

Cholesterol & blood sugar check

You will have blood drawn.

Carotid artery screening

You will be asked to get on an exam table and lie on your back. The technologist will be examining your neck.

Peripheral arterial disease screening

You will be asked to remove your socks and shoes. The technologist will be placing blood pressure cuffs on your upper arms and ankles.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening

You will be asked to to lay on an exam table and lie on your back. The technologist will examine your abdominal area with ultrasound.

Don't wait. Book your Project Life appointment now.

If you feel you are an immediate threat to yourself or others (violent, threatening violence, suicidal) - call 911 or 988 to speak with someone.

988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.