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About Amber Houge, PA-C




Amber and her husband, Tony have two children, Michael and Cathryn. Michael is interested in working in the Engineering field and Cathryn loves wolves and would like to be a biologist. Both are active in extracurricular sports and Lego League.

In her spare time, Amber enjoys reading, travel, triathlons, and boating.

“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.”


On Staff At

Emergency Department – Emmetsburg & Palo Alto Health System
3201 1st Street
Emmetsburg, Iowa 50536


Undergraduate Degree

California College of Health Science (Respiratory Therapy) and Grand Canyon University (BS with honors)

Graduate School

University of South Dakota (MPAS – High Honors) and NCPPA Board Certified PA

Special Interests

Travel Medicine, Pulmonology, ER, Geriatrics

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